requirements of a moving image production

Requirements of a moving image production In this task, we created a 90 second moving image short film, in response to the ‘Depict moving image’ competition. The film depicts an unknown character going for a walk in the woods, but only to come across mysterious and dangerous goings on. We distributed the moving image product through YouTube on the college’s page.There are two main types of moving image production, which have different distribution methods. The main two types of moving image production are ‘Studio’ and ‘Independent’ films. Studio produced films have a high production value, tend to have a high budget and feature famous actors and also make more money at the Box Office. Independent films have a lower production value to studio produced films, make less money at the Box Office and tend to star lesser known actors. Distribution companies such as Paramount, Universal and Warner Brothers distribute studio produced film to audiences across the world by playing the films in cinemas, bringing out the film on DVD or Blu-Ray, or by selling the films to streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. Independent films however don’t tend to be seen as often or by as many people as studio produced films because they have a different distribution process. The distribution of independent films is difficult and they usually end up being sold to a low budget non studio film distribution company in order for them to actually be seen by audiences. Independent films aren’t usually in cinemas and tend to have a lot of their profits generated from DVD and Blu-Ray sales, or selling them to streaming services.There are many different sources of funding for a moving image product, however Studio produced film and TV have different ways of funding their moving image products to independent film and TV makers. For example, a studio funded moving image product would be funded by the studio making the product or a joint investment with another studio.  However for independent moving image product could be funded by sources such as public funding bodies, certain television channels like Channel 4 or BBC have been known to invest in film and TV products in exchange for the permission to broadcast it on their channel.There are certain set requirements for any moving image production that a producer would need to purchase because they are necessary in order for the product to be successful. For example, you will need:·         A studio to film, if you’re not filming on location.
·         Cameras
·         Lighting equipment
·         Tripods/dollies
·         Green screens/CGI equipment
·         Sound equipment
·         Director’s chair
 For our depict project, we had to obtain a small number of things in order for the product to be successful, we had to obtain a Camera, a tripod, an SD card, costumes and props and actors.A low budget short, such as the depict task we just did, has a small cast and crew which would be made up of a director, camera operator and actors.A television programme would have a much larger crew to a low budget short, for example there would be multiple cameras all in different angles and lots of sound recording equipment.It was fairly easy to allocate the work load amongst our group because none of us had any experience in filming or acting. Tudor and I filmed it and Connor acted in it.The timeframe we were given to complete this task was 3 weeks, we managed to meet this deadline however if you do not meet deadlines in the professional industry, there are many complications and knock on affects to the production. To obtain professional filming equipment for a moving image production, you can hire it out through media facility house. An example of this is: ‘The Kit Room’, which provides cameras, tripods and grips, lenses, monitors, sound, lighting and editing media and data storage. They rent out cameras from anywhere from £100-£400, depending on what sort of camera you need, they rent microphones and other sound equipment from £5-£60. The closest ‘Kit Room’ to us is in central London.For our depict project, there were cameras, tripods and other types of grip, shotgun microphones and data storage, we obtained these through the college.We didn’t need to secure any legal agreements between us and a land owner for our depict project because we filmed all of our footage on the Gorleston Recreational ground.A location recce is a pre-filming visit to a specific location to determine whether or not the location is suitable for your production. A location release is an agreement which solidifies the agreement between land owner and Production Company and makes sure that there is no confusion or misunderstanding as to what the production company wishes to do on the location.We chose the locations for our depict production through doing location recces, we chose each shot location very carefully and considered the different angles and shot types we could use in the location to get the best result.As we only did a small moving image production, the logistics of it were very minor, we only had to worry about bringing our equipment and the actors to the locations. In terms of risks, we could have fallen over and damaged the equipment given the uneven and unpredictableTerrain of the forest, but we just had to take extra precautions when moving filming equipment and assess the potential risks before we took them.In addition to equipment, crew and cast, you will need a few other things for a moving image production, for example you will need a lot of legal paperwork for the cast and crew need to complete as well as a location and a set.Some filming materials can be very expensive, depending on the scale of the production, you may have to consider getting a loan in order to raise the money to hire out the equipment.To create a moving image text there are a lot of things that you will definitely need:·         Cameras
·         Tripods/grip
·         Lighting
·         Sound equipment, i.e. microphones, mixers, recorders
·         Lenses
·         Monitors
·         Data storage and editing software
·         Storage
·         Location
Renting professional filming equipment is very expensive so if you are making a moving image production you will need to make financial considerations and have some start-up capital.There are certain legal considerations when producing a moving image product that you need to take into account before making any final releases, such as patenting your work so it is legally yours and nobody can copyright it. There are legal factors you need to consider regarding equipment and materials such as whether or not it is 100% safe to film what you want to film, for example, during the filming of ‘The Crow’, the main actor, Brandon Lee was accidentally shot in a scene, the revolver that the co – star, Michael Massee, used to shoot Brandon was loaded with blanks but a fragment of a bullet was caught in the chamber of the gun, Lee was administered first aid at the scene and was rushed to hospital. But was pronounced dead at 1am that night. There was a large Police investigation but it was decided that there was no foul play and the cause of Lee’s death was down to gross negligence on part of the crew. The crew members should have ensured that the gun was fit for use.A copyrighting is a legal agreement which ensures that your production legally belongs to you so nobody can duplicate it. Copyrighting didn’t really affect our depict production because the East Norfolk Film and TV posted it on their YouTube account. A Clearance co-ordinator practices securing permission to use copyrighted material or personal likeness, or researching a property to ensure that there are no ownership claims and disputes.Public liability insurance provides cover against claims made by members of the public who have suffered injury or damage to property in connection with the business.A Completion Guarantee on a moving image production guarantees to the Investors, Beneficiaries and Financial institutions involved in the funding of independent production that the film will be completed for its budgeted costs.OFCOM is a service set up by the government so that customers can issue any complaints or talk about any problems they may have with a certain company.The BBC is a public run sector, they are regulated by OFCOM, the office of fair trading and the European commission. The BBC differs to OFCOM in terms of the service they provide. The BBC is a broadcasting company who have television channels and radio stations.The BBFC is a form of regulation because it rates movies and determines what age person the movie is appropriate for.Moving image products are regulated on the internet though OFCOM and the BBFC, both of these work together to ensure that nobody sees anything overly explicit or vulgar.I think if our ‘Depict’ project was to be regulated by a film board it would be rated PG because of the lack of explicit themes, it has some elements of suspense and mystery in it so it wouldn’t be properly followed or appreciated by young children.A trade union is an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.PACT is the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television. The purpose of PACT is to work closely with broadcasters and producers' groups to create training opportunities and promote fair access for all.BECTU is the Broadcasting, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union, the union represents staff, contract and freelance workers who are based primarily in the United Kingdom.A trade association is a body representing organizations within the same trade. Its purpose is to protect their collective interests, especially in negotiations with governments and trade unions.


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